Protease inhibitor monotherapy: darunavir/ritonavir less effective than three-drug therapy

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Darunavir/ritonavir monotherapy results in a lower rate of
viral suppression after 48 weeks when compared to darunavir/ritonavir plus two
nucleoside analogues, but may be just as effective as three-drug therapy in
people with nadir CD4 cell counts above 200, according to a 48-week analysis of
the PROTEA study presented on Thursday at the International

Truvada PrEP use rising in United States, especially among men

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The number of people
using Truvada for pre-exposure
prophylaxis (PrEP) in the US is increasing and a growing proportion of users
are men, according to an analysis of data from approximately half of American
pharmacies presented this week at the HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow conference.
PrEP refers to the use of
antiretroviral medications to prevent HIV

Truvada PrEP use rising in United States, especially among men

postato in: Senza categoria | 0

The number of people
using Truvada for pre-exposure
prophylaxis (PrEP) in the US is increasing and a growing proportion of users
are men, according to an analysis of data from approximately half of American
pharmacies presented this week at the HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow conference.
PrEP refers to the use of
antiretroviral medications to prevent HIV

Truvada PrEP use rising in United States, especially among men

postato in: Senza categoria | 0

The number of people
using Truvada for pre-exposure
prophylaxis (PrEP) in the US is increasing and a growing proportion of users
are men, according to an analysis of data from approximately half of American
pharmacies presented this week at the HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow conference.
PrEP refers to the use of
antiretroviral medications to prevent HIV

Il virus immaturo fotografato per la prima volta in HD

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Il virus Hiv ancora ‘bambino’, immaturo e incapace di infettare, è stato fotografato per la prima volta in alta definizione dai ricercatori del Laboratorio europeo di biologia molecolare (Embl) in collaborazione con l’università tedesca di Heidelberg. Le immagini, pubblicate su Nature, dimostrano che i ‘mattoni’ che compongono il virus sono disposti in una maniera del tutto inattesa: conoscere la loro esatta posizione permetterà di sviluppare nuovi farmaci mirati per bloccare il processo di maturazione.

One third of TB cases in Eastern European HIV clinic survey multi-drug resistant

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Around one-third of people
living with HIV in Eastern Europe who were diagnosed with TB had multi-drug
resistant TB, according to the findings of a global study of TB/HIV management
in high- and middle-income countries. The findings of the study, conducted by EuroCoord, were presented by Anne Marie Efsen of the University of

HIV testing and ongoing relationships are part of ‘safer sex’ for young gay men

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Many young gay men consider ‘safer sex’ to be about more
than condom use, according to a qualitative study conducted in Scotland. Encouragingly,
many consider regular HIV testing to be a component of safer sex. More
problematically, condomless sex with a regular partner was described as being
relatively safe, even when there was little

Injectable rilpivirine shows promise in phase I trials – but may work better for anal than vaginal sex

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A phase one dose-finding and safety study in humans of TMC278
LA, a long-acting, injectable formation of the antiretroviral (ARV) drug
rilpivirine, found that a single 1200-mg dose could produce sustained drug levels
in rectal tissues that could offer protection against HIV for three months, and
did in fact suppress viral replication in so-called

Tenofovir gel use associated with lower HSV-2 risk in women

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risk of acquiring herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) was reduced by 46% (aIRR:0.54,
95%CI:0.30-0.97, p=0.038) among women who regularly used the vaginal gel
containing tenofovir, according to a secondary analysis of the Vaginal and Oral
Interventions to Control the Epidemic (VOICE) trial
presented at the HIV Research for
Prevention conference (R4P) in Cape Town,

Injectable cabotegravir makes progress towards human efficacy studies: doubts about injectable rilpivirine

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have determined the dose of an injectable formulation of the integrase inhibitor cabotegravir
(formerly GSK744) that will be taken into efficacy trials to see if it can be
used for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Studies
in animals were presented earlier this year suggesting that drug levels
stayed high enough in the body for it to

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