Successful peer-recruited project shows it is possible to do prevention work with gay men in hostile environments

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A community education and HIV prevention project that took place among 626
gay  men and other men who have sex with
men (MSM) in St Petersburg in Russia and Budapest in Hungary produced
significant falls in the proportion of men having unprotected sex, especially
with casual or multiple partners. The incidence of HIV and sexually

Positive response to ‘gift tokens for undetectable viral load’ trial

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A US study
presented at last month’s HIV Research for Prevention conference found generally
positive responses among people with HIV and clinic staff to a trial that used
$70 gift tokens as an incentive for people to attend clinic regularly,
refill their HIV treatment drug prescriptions, and maintain an undetectable viral load.
However, the
study found

What are the barriers that could stop HIV treatment becoming HIV prevention?

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One of the key strategies involved in trying to bring an end
to the HIV epidemic is to increase the proportion of HIV-positive people on antiretroviral
therapy (ART), to the point where suppressing their viral load starts to reduce
onward infection.
What is usually called ‘treatment as prevention’ lies behind
ambitious new target announced

Injectable rilpivirine shows promise in phase I trials – but may work better for anal than vaginal sex

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A phase one dose-finding and safety study in humans of TMC278
LA, a long-acting, injectable formation of the antiretroviral (ARV) drug
rilpivirine, found that a single 1200-mg dose could produce sustained drug levels
in rectal tissues that could offer protection against HIV for three months, and
did in fact suppress viral replication in so-called

Injectable cabotegravir makes progress towards human efficacy studies: doubts about injectable rilpivirine

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have determined the dose of an injectable formulation of the integrase inhibitor cabotegravir
(formerly GSK744) that will be taken into efficacy trials to see if it can be
used for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Studies
in animals were presented earlier this year suggesting that drug levels
stayed high enough in the body for it to

Second European PrEP study is closed early due to high effectiveness

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an extraordinary development, a second European scientific trial of
pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has had its randomised phase closed early due
to high effectiveness, just
two weeks after the UK PROUD trial did exactly the same thing.
investigators of the IPERGAY trial, which has six sites in France and one in
Canada, announced today a “Significant

PrEP will need high adherence, high effectiveness and high coverage in specific populations to be affordable in the US, New York study finds

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study based on New York City that modelled pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake there has found that in
order to be affordable, PrEP would need to be tightly
targeted at gay men at higher risk of HIV infection. Within this target
population, it would need high levels of usage.
reduction in the price of Truvada

Nearly half of HIV-positive gay men could benefit from being vaccinated against HPV, say Irish researchers

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A study of gay men in Ireland that has investigated the prevalence of infection
with human papillomavirus (HPV), some types of which cause genital warts
and cervical, anal and oral cancers, concludes that 47% of HIV-positive and 64%
of HIV-negative gay men would benefit from being given one of the HPV vaccines against