HIV testing and ongoing relationships are part of ‘safer sex’ for young gay men

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Many young gay men consider ‘safer sex’ to be about more
than condom use, according to a qualitative study conducted in Scotland. Encouragingly,
many consider regular HIV testing to be a component of safer sex. More
problematically, condomless sex with a regular partner was described as being
relatively safe, even when there was little

How does a ‘human rights based approach’ work out on the ground? Lessons from South Africa

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While international rhetoric on HIV and AIDS frequently
invokes human rights, putting these ideas into practice in specific settings
remains challenging, according to a process evaluation of an intervention in
rural South Africa published in the October issue of Culture, Health and Sexuality. Although female health volunteers
understood gender inequalities to be a key

London gay men: 2% of the population, a quarter of the sexually transmitted infections and half of HIV infections

postato in: Senza categoria | 0

Men who have sex with men (MSM) living in London have
particularly poor sexual health and this is worsening, Public Health England
warn in a report published yesterday. The report calls on commissioners and
providers of sexual health services to focus on the needs of this group: “Improving
sexual health in MSM should be

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