Il virus immaturo fotografato per la prima volta in HD

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Il virus Hiv ancora ‘bambino’, immaturo e incapace di infettare, è stato fotografato per la prima volta in alta definizione dai ricercatori del Laboratorio europeo di biologia molecolare (Embl) in collaborazione con l’università tedesca di Heidelberg. Le immagini, pubblicate su Nature, dimostrano che i ‘mattoni’ che compongono il virus sono disposti in una maniera del tutto inattesa: conoscere la loro esatta posizione permetterà di sviluppare nuovi farmaci mirati per bloccare il processo di maturazione.

HIV testing and ongoing relationships are part of ‘safer sex’ for young gay men

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Many young gay men consider ‘safer sex’ to be about more
than condom use, according to a qualitative study conducted in Scotland. Encouragingly,
many consider regular HIV testing to be a component of safer sex. More
problematically, condomless sex with a regular partner was described as being
relatively safe, even when there was little

Increased expenditure on social security has benefits for TB control in the EU

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expenditure on social protection programmes – sickness, disability and
unemployment benefits, old age pensions, housing support – is associated with
improved tuberculosis (TB) control, according to an analysis of data from
European Union (EU) countries published in Lancet
Infectious Diseases.
“Social protection
spending is strongly associated with lower tuberculosis case notification,
incidence, and mortality rates,” comment the

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