Second European PrEP study is closed early due to high effectiveness

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an extraordinary development, a second European scientific trial of
pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has had its randomised phase closed early due
to high effectiveness, just
two weeks after the UK PROUD trial did exactly the same thing.
investigators of the IPERGAY trial, which has six sites in France and one in
Canada, announced today a “Significant

NNRTIs and protease inhibitors both good for first ART, channelling affects choices

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reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) and boosted protease
inhibitors work equally well for people starting HIV treatment for the first
time, with similar viral suppression, CD4 cell gains, and disease
progression, according to a large meta-analysis presented
at IDWeek 2014 earlier this month in Philadelphia. A related study
shed light on factors affecting choice of
initial antiretroviral regimen.

Sofosbuvir/ledipasvir safe and effective for genotype 1 HCV

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A single-tablet
regimen containing the hepatitis C virus (HCV) nucleotide polymerase
inhibitor sofosbuvir and
the NS5A inhibitor ledipasvir – the combination in Gilead Science’s
recently approved Harvoni pill – was well-tolerated and cured 97% of
patients with HCV genotype 1 in the Phase 3 ION trials, researchers
reported at the IDWeek 2014 meeting earlier this month in
advent of direct-acting antiviral agents has revolutionized treatment for
chronic hepatitis C, especially with the long-awaited

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