PrEP will need high adherence, high effectiveness and high coverage in specific populations to be affordable in the US, New York study finds

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study based on New York City that modelled pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake there has found that in
order to be affordable, PrEP would need to be tightly
targeted at gay men at higher risk of HIV infection. Within this target
population, it would need high levels of usage.
reduction in the price of Truvada

Sovaldi sarà rimborsabile: trovato accordo Aifa-Gilead

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Sarà rimborsabile il Sovaldi, il nuovo e costosissimo farmaco per lEpatite C. L’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco ha trovato l’accordo con la casa farmaceutica che lo produce, la Gilead Sciences. Il prezzo del Sofosbuvir (così si chiama il principio attivo), già calato da 58 mila a 37 mila euro per ciclo terapeutico, aveva scatenato le proteste delle associazioni dei malati.

Nearly half of HIV-positive gay men could benefit from being vaccinated against HPV, say Irish researchers

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A study of gay men in Ireland that has investigated the prevalence of infection
with human papillomavirus (HPV), some types of which cause genital warts
and cervical, anal and oral cancers, concludes that 47% of HIV-positive and 64%
of HIV-negative gay men would benefit from being given one of the HPV vaccines against

Treatment of worm infections leads to increases in CD4 counts and haemoglobin and fall in viral load for HIV-positive women taking ART

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De-worming is
associated with falls in viral load and increases in CD4 count and haemoglobin, in
pregnant women living with HIV and receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART), according
to the results of a study conducted in Rwanda and published in the online edition
of Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Albendazole – a cheap treatment for helminth infections –

London gay men: 2% of the population, a quarter of the sexually transmitted infections and half of HIV infections

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Men who have sex with men (MSM) living in London have
particularly poor sexual health and this is worsening, Public Health England
warn in a report published yesterday. The report calls on commissioners and
providers of sexual health services to focus on the needs of this group: “Improving
sexual health in MSM should be

HIV infection associated with an increased risk of the diseases of ageing

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HIV infection is
associated with an increased risk of several diseases of old age, according to
Dutch research published in the online edition of Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Researchers compared the risk of cardiovascular, renal (kidney) and bone disease
between older people living with HIV and matched HIV-negative controls. All
diseases of ageing were more prevalent

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